Conservation photography

Welcome to the conservation photography section!

“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth, find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature – the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter .”

Conservation is my biggest passion that I have developed more and more since 2012, when I moved to South Africa and I started working in conservation with the wildlife monitoring, conservation and sustainable living project "LEO Africa".
Conservation and the protection of natural areas are vital to make sure that wildlife, humankind and our planet will have a healthy future. In fact, without an environment in balance, wild animals would not be able to thrive and we could not live on a polluted planet.

We need nature, but nature doesn't need us!

In this section I would like to expose some issues that I found on my path, either in national parks, nature reserves, as well as urban areas. Pollution is something that can't be ignored, and I would like to expose it to the world through my photography, to educate people to become more sensitive on the topic.

If you wish to purchase any photo, ask for a quotation or info, please do not hesitate to contact me!
More photos are available on request as well.

conservation photography collection

Baboon with plastic bottle – Kruger National Park, South Africa

I took this photo in January 2021. This year the amazing rainfall filled a lot of rivers and with it, a lot of plastic pollution was transported all over the country, from inland to our oceans.

It was a nice and sunny morning in Kruger, when I drove on a bridge and stopped to look at the river. A troop of baboons was refreshing in the river, during the heat of the day. That’s when I saw this young baboon (as well as others), playing with some plastic bottles; some where trying to open them to taste the content. Plastic is a huge problem to wildlife as most of the time packaging still tastes of food and is ingested by the animals, with the result in death by suffocation or complications to the digestive system. Be wise, avoid plastic!

Hyena with Cigarettes

Spotted Hyena Cub with cigarettes by the den – Kruger National Park, South Africa, January 2021.

I took this photo with the purpose to show people the sad reality of the pollution that humans leave behind even in protected areas. I can imagine three scenarios: 1- People dropped the packet accidentally; 2- someone thought it was “fun” to leave cigarettes by the animal 3- the hyena found the cigarettes somewhere and just carried it.

With this shocking photo, I would like to touch the hearts of all of you: please, do no litter, do not through cigarette butts on the ground, try to avoid using single use plastic and become a role model citizen, teaching kids about the importance of protecting and preserving our environment. The actions that you make anywhere in the world, have a butterfly effect somewhere else and will turn on us, for sure! Life is the mirror of our actions!

Baboon with plastic bottle

Baboon with plastic bottle – Kruger National Park, South Africa

I took this photo in January 2021. This year the amazing rainfall filled a lot of rivers and with it, a lot of plastic pollution was transported all over the country, from inland to our oceans.

It was a nice and sunny morning in Kruger, when I drove on a bridge and stopped to look at the river. A troop of baboons was refreshing in the river, during the heat of the day. That’s when I saw this young baboon (as well as others), playing with some plastic bottles; some where trying to open them to taste the content. Plastic is a huge problem to wildlife as most of the time packaging still tastes of food and is ingested by the animals, with the result in death by suffocation or complications to the digestive system. Be wise, avoid plastic!

Baboon with plastic bottle – Kruger National Park, South Africa

I took this photo in January 2021. This year the amazing rainfall filled a lot of rivers and with it, a lot of plastic pollution was transported all over the country, from inland to our oceans.

It was a nice and sunny morning in Kruger, when I drove on a bridge and stopped to look at the river. A troop of baboons was refreshing in the river, during the heat of the day. That’s when I saw this young baboon (as well as others), playing with some plastic bottles; some where trying to open them to taste the content. Plastic is a huge problem to wildlife as most of the time packaging still tastes of food and is ingested by the animals, with the result in death by suffocation or complications to the digestive system. Be wise, avoid plastic!

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